Temporary Exhibitions


St-Lawrence River at Saint-Louis de Lotbinière
2014 © Pierre Lahoud

In the Footsteps of the Seigneurial System

Until November 3rd, 2024

The seigneurial system was a method of land distribution and occupation put in place in 1627 to encourage settlement and to help structure the colony. While it was abolished in 1854, traces of it persist to this day in Quebec.

Discover these traces of the seigneurial system through the aerial photographs of historian and photographer Pierre Lahoud, recipient of the Prix Gérard-Morisset 2023, in this free outdoor exhibition on St-Claude et Le Royer streets.

In the Footsteps of the Seigneurial System is a collaboration with the Manoir Mauvide-Genest de Saint-Jean-de-l'Île-d'Orléans.

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