© Château Ramezay - Historic site and museum of Montreal




Reservation policy

A signed copy of the contract and a 20% deposit are required to confirm a reservation. Final payment must be made one week before the event. Supplementary fees are to be paid on the day of the event. 

For a cancellation made less than 15 days before the event, 35% of the balance due will be charged to the client. 
For a cancellation made more than 15 days before the event, the deposit will not be refundable, but no other fees will be charged. 
A 35$ administrative fee will be charged for any NSF cheque. 



The Château Ramezay building is classified under Quebec's Cultural Property Act. The authorized client must provide proof of public liability insurance of at least one million dollard and is responsible for any damage that occurs to the Museum collections. A photocopy of the insurance policy must be attached to the contract when the balance is paid. 

According to the regulations of the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux, the authorized client must obtain a permit if alcohol is to be served. 

Photographs without the use of flash may be taken inside to Château Ramezay. 

Any lightning system must use a diffusion filter. 

All plans must be submitted to the Museum and approved at least two weeks before the event. 

If the autorized client wishes to place speical decorations in the Museum or the Garden prior to the event, a detailed plan must be provided to the Museum for approval at least two weeks beforehand. 

Objects and furniture in the Château Ramezay must not be moved without the authorization of a Museum Staff. Additional fees may apply. 

The Museum is not responsible for losses or damages caused at the Museum to the applicant's property, employees, guests or others present during the event. 

The authorized client or his equipment and services suppliers must install and dismantle their own equipment. If the euipment cannot be taken away the same night, it must all be put in the dedicated space. 

Responsibility for all technical services and special needs is assumed by the authorized client. Museum Staffs are not responsible for the installation or supervision of rental equipment. 

The authorized client must ensure that someone is present when the equipment and services suppliers and/or first guests arrive and that person must be present until everyone has left. 

The authorized client or his equipment and services suppliers must install and dismantle their own equipment. If the equipment cannot be taken away the same night, it must all be put in the dedicated space. 


Responsibility for all technical services and special needs is assumed by the authorized client. Museum Staffs are not responsible for the installation or supervision of rental equipment. 

The authorized client must ensure that someone is present when the equipment and services suppliers and/or first guests arrive and that person must be present until everyone has left. 


It is forbidden to : 

  • smoke or light a flame (lighter, match, candle, etc,.) inside the Museum and on its grounds
  • throw cofetti, streamers, blow bubbles or any other objects
  • run, jump or touch objects on display in the Museum
  • put objects on the display cases, the pedestals, the windows sills, the mantel pieces, the mural table or to lean anything against the walls in the Salle de Nantes without the athorization of a Museum Staff
  • to use anything in the kitchenette except the refrigerator, the oven and the sink
  • equipment must not be dragged accross the floors of the Museum
  • use strobe-lights, smoke machines and sub-woofers
  • it is forbidden to alter the lighting 
  • open a bottle of champagne or any other bottle under pressure in the Museum's exhibition 
  • drive or parked a vehicle on Museum property
  • to play electronically amplified music out of doors
  • use a BBQ
  • use any appliance that requires gas in les then 3.5 meters (10') from the Museum

The emergency exits and circulation cents must be kept clear at all times. 
Garbages must always put in strong garbage bags, which must be closed, left outside the Museum, and brought to the attention of the Museum Staffs. All recyclable materials must be taken away by the caterer or the client. 

Changing weather conditions make it impossible for the Château Ramezay Museum to guarantee the state of the Garden at the time of the rental. 

If the rental agreement includes the Governor's Garden, it is the responsability of the client to decide if the weather on the day of the event is suitable for his/her activities. 


To download the rental policies, click here.