© Château Ramezay - Historic site and museum of Montreal, photo : Michel Pinault


The Château Ramezay is proud of its team of energetic and competent professionals, its attentive and motivated Board of Directors, its Board of Trustees that ensure the continuity of the institution and its faithful and enthusiastic volunteers.


Executive Director and Curator
André Delisle

Administrative Assistant
Isabelle Cunin

Head - Collections and Exhibitions
Christine Brisson

Head - Education
Karine Langlois

Sarah-Maxim Lapointe Roberge

Intendant and Collections Assistant
Khan Rooney

Board of Directors

© Château Ramezay - Historic Site and Museum of Montréal, photo: Board of Directors, December 2022

On the photo, from left to right (standing): André Delisle, Pierre Destrempes, Marie-Céline Bourgault, Barbara Macleod-Rey (chair of the English Speaking Guide's Association), Bernard Martineau, Isabelle Cunin, Caroline Lafond, Francine Lalonde D'Entremont, Simon Déry, Solange Côté; from left to right (seated) : Matthieu Sauvé (president of the Board of Trustees), Jean Brunelle, Gail Grant. 

Missing from the photo : Benoît Pelchat, Sonia Gagné, Francoise Espie-Bourseau, Michel Jutras, Gilda Martinello, Denise Guinard

Gail Grant – Chair
Sociologiste | Translator | Reviser

Michel Jutras – Vice-Chair
Retired – Air Canada 

Benoît Pelchat – Secretary
Lawyer – Grandpré Chait LLP

Jean Brunelle – C. Adm – Former Chair
Retired – Desjardins Group

Marie-Céline Bourgault 
Director, Communications and Customer experience – GPMMOM

Solange Côté 
University Certification in Corporate, Governance, Laval University

Francine Lalonde d'Entremont
Professor of Management – National Theatre school of Canada

Simon Déry
General Manager – Caisse Desjardins du Quartier Latin de Montréal

Pierre Destrempes
Consultant – Commercial Real Estate

Françoise Espie-Bourseau 
Reviser, Ex-Editor-in-chief – le Vieux-Montréal newspaper

Sonia Gagné 
Partner Architect – Provencher Roy + Associés Architectes Inc.

Denise Guinard
Chair – Association of Ramezay Volunteers

Caroline Lafond
CPA, Partner – Boily, Handfield CPA Inc.

Lucie Thomas
Chair – French-speaking Volunteer Guides Association

Barbara Macleod-Rey
Chair – English-speaking Volunteer Guides Association

André Delisle 
Executive Director and Curator – Château Ramezay


Matthieu Sauvé - Chair
Professional in public relations

Guy Bellefeuille - Secretary
Investment Advisor 

Me Marie Giguère  

Me Rachel Laferrière
Head of litigation departement, Pomerleau Inc.

Serge Quevillon

L. Cameron DesBois, Q.C. - President emeritus
Retired lawyer - Air Canada

André Delisle 
Executive Director and Curator - Château Ramezay


Association des guides de Ramezay (French section) provides guides who host tours in French.

English Speaking Guide's Association provides guides who host tours in English

Friends of the Governor's Garden welcome visitors to the garden during the summertime. 


These are guides who speak a language other than French or English, whose mission is to make the history of the Château and of Montréal known to others sharing their language.

Bénévoles de Ramezay includes volunteers who support the Château's charity events as well as certain administrative tasks.


For more information about volunteering at Château Ramezay, visit the Donation of your time section of our website.